Marillac St. Vincent - Food Pantry
Households residing in the zip codes listed below can visit once per month. At each visit, proof of name and current address is required. Households must bring their own grocery bags. People living outside these zip codes can visit the pantries once, and receive referrals for services in their area.
Jakson Location: (2 miles away from Selfreliance Bank)
2859 W Jackson Blvd,
Chicago, IL 60612
Jackson location serves 60612, 60624, and 60644 zip codes.
Halsted Location: (3.7 miles from Selfreliance Bank)
2145 N. Halsted
Chicago, IL 60614
Halsted location serves on 60605, 60607, 60610, 60614, and 60654 zip codes.
St. Cyprians Food Pantry | UIFLC
The Food Pantry serves the following Chicago zip codes: 60634, 60707 (east of Harlem Ave), and 60639. Residents of these areas needing emergency food are eligible to receive food from the pantry once a month. They also provide other items for the seasons, such as gifts during Christmas, Easter baskets during Easter, etc.
Guests are permitted to come to the pantry once per month.
Location: (3.7 miles away from St. Joseph)
6535 W. Irving Park Rd.
Chicago, IL 60634
Fresh Market Food Pantry
Residents who live in the following Chicago zip codes (60612 & 60624) can visit the Fresh Market and choose from a wide selection of free, high-quality, groceries twice a month. The Fresh Market offers dairy products, meats, breads, canned food, and other household items.
They also offer other resources such as: SNAP (food stamps), Utilities Applications, Legal Aid, Housing and Employment Information, Financial Management, GED Certification, Family Workshops
Location: (1.8 Miles from Selfreliance Bank)
3334 W Carroll Ave,
Chicago, IL 60624